RT-Thread IoT OS
4 min readNov 8, 2024

[S32K146 RT-Thread] SPI Driver Adaptation Guide


RT-Thread provides an abstraction for SPI bus device drivers, creating a standard structure for SPI bus communication. In this guide, we’ll cover the steps to set up and adapt the SPI bus driver for the S32K146 hardware. For detailed information, please refer to the official RT-Thread documentation on SPI bus drivers: RT-Thread SPI Documentation.

SPI Bus Driver Adaptation

The main structures involved in the SPI bus driver adaptation are:

  • rt_spi_device: This structure allows the application to bind with the SPI bus and communicate through it.
  • rt_spi_bus: This represents the abstracted SPI bus device.
  • rt_spi_ops: These are the underlying operational functions that the bus device depends on.

The relationships among these structures are illustrated as follows:

To interface with the bus device driver, we need to implement the corresponding ops functions.

Configuring SPI1 with S32 Design Studio

In this experiment, we’ll be using lpspi1. First, use S32 Design Studio to generate the pinmux and clock initialization code.

  • Next, configure the SPI1 master parameters, making sure to select the highlighted options.
  • Confiure pimmux
  • Confiure clk

Adapting SPI1 ops Functions for RT-Thread

Based on the previous outline, implement the ops functions at the chip layer to enable the SPI device driver in RT-Thread.

  • config ops function

tatic rt_err_t spi_configure(struct rt_spi_device* device,
struct rt_spi_configuration* configuration)
struct rt_spi_bus * spi_bus = (struct rt_spi_bus *)device->bus;
struct s32k_spi *spi_device = (struct s32k_spi *)spi_bus->parent.user_data;
status_t ret;

RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL);
RT_ASSERT(configuration != RT_NULL);

/* config spi init spi bus */

switch(configuration->mode & RT_SPI_MODE_3)
case RT_SPI_MODE_0:
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPhase = LPSPI_CLOCK_PHASE_2ND_EDGE;
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPolarity = LPSPI_SCK_ACTIVE_LOW;
case RT_SPI_MODE_1:
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPhase = LPSPI_CLOCK_PHASE_1ST_EDGE;
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPolarity = LPSPI_SCK_ACTIVE_LOW;
case RT_SPI_MODE_2:
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPhase = LPSPI_CLOCK_PHASE_2ND_EDGE;
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPolarity = LPSPI_SCK_ACTIVE_HIGH;
case RT_SPI_MODE_3:
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPhase = LPSPI_CLOCK_PHASE_1ST_EDGE;
spi_device->masterconfig->clkPolarity = LPSPI_SCK_ACTIVE_HIGH;

/* MSB or LSB */
if(configuration->mode & RT_SPI_MSB)
spi_device->masterconfig->lsbFirst = false;
spi_device->masterconfig->lsbFirst = true;

if(configuration->max_hz < 10000000)
spi_device->masterconfig->bitsPerSec = configuration->max_hz;

spi_device->masterconfig->bitcount = configuration->data_width;

ret = LPSPI_DRV_MasterInit(spi_device->instance,spi_device->status,spi_device->masterconfig);

ret = LPSPI_DRV_MasterSetDelay(spi_device->instance, 1, 1, 1);

  • xfer ops function
truct s32k_spi
struct rt_spi_bus spi_bus; /* spi bus device */
lpspi_master_config_t * masterconfig; /* lpspi master config */
lpspi_state_t * status; /* lpspi driver status */
uint32_t instance; /* spi instance id */
char * bus_name;

static rt_ssize_t spixfer(struct rt_spi_device* device, struct rt_spi_message* message){
struct rt_spi_bus * spi_bus = (struct rt_spi_bus *)device->bus;
struct s32k_spi *spi_device = (struct s32k_spi *)spi_bus->parent.user_data;
status_t ret;

RT_ASSERT(device != NULL);
RT_ASSERT(message != NULL);

ret = LPSPI_DRV_MasterTransferBlocking(spi_device->instance,message->send_buf,message->recv_buf,message->length,1000);

return ret == STATUS_SUCCESS ? message->length:0;
  • Add the Following Initialization Code to Register the SPI Bus Device in the System
xtern void LPSPI_DRV_IRQHandler(uint32_t instance);

void S32K14X_LPspi1_Master_Slave_IRQHandler(void){
/* enter interrupt */


/* leave interrupt */

/* private rt-thread spi ops function */
static struct rt_spi_ops s32k_spi_ops =
.configure = spi_configure,
.xfer = spixfer,

static struct s32k_spi spi1;

int rt_hw_spi_init(void){
int result = 0;

/* config spi strruct */
spi1.instance = INST_LPSPI_1;
spi1.masterconfig = &lpspi_1_MasterConfig0;
spi1.status = &lpspi_1State;
spi1.spi_bus.parent.user_data = (void *)&spi1;
spi1.bus_name = "spi1";

result = rt_spi_bus_register(&spi1.spi_bus, spi1.bus_name, &s32k_spi_ops);

RT_ASSERT(result == RT_EOK);

LOG_D("%s bus init done", spi1.bus_name);

if(result == RT_EOK)

return result;



  • Add the following test code to input the spi10 open/config/readid command, which will open and mount the device to the SPI1 bus, then read the SPI flash ID information from the board.
include <stdio.h>
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#include <board.h>
#include <drivers/spi.h>

#define SPF_R_JEDEC_CMD (0x9Fu)
#define SPF_R_JEDEC_LEN (4u)

struct rt_spi_device spi1_device;

static void spi10(int argc,char *argv[]){
rt_err_t ret;
struct rt_spi_configuration cfg;
uint8_t sendbuff[4] = {SPF_R_JEDEC_CMD,0x00,0x00,0x00};
uint8_t recvbuff[4] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};

if(!strcmp(argv[1], "readid"))
rt_kprintf("read did [%x][%x][%x]\n",recvbuff[1],recvbuff[2],recvbuff[3]);
else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "open"))
ret = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&spi1_device,"spi10","spi1",NULL);
if(ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("attach spi1 faied %d\n",ret);
else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "config"))
cfg.data_width = 8;
cfg.max_hz = 8000000;
cfg.mode = RT_SPI_MODE_3 | RT_SPI_MSB;
else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "read"))

MSH_CMD_EXPORT(spi10, spi10 flash test)

By entering the command, you can verify that the flash ID information has been successfully read, indicating that the SPI bus and SPI flash communication are functioning properly. Additionally, the system now includes the SPI1 bus device and the SPI device node for SPI10.

The DID read during the test matches the one in the chip manual.

The test code has been submitted to the following path:

RT-Thread IoT OS
RT-Thread IoT OS

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